3005 Church Ave., Amarillo, Texas 79109
Are you healthy and pain-free?
Do you want to live in optimal health and wellness?
80% of people will suffer from severe back pain at some point in their lives. We have a process that not only alleviates the pain but actually corrects the root cause of the problem so people can live stronger, healthier lives.
Chiropractic health care is the answer.
Begin your journey back to excellent health today. Give us a call!
$100 New Patient Offer
Receive a complete chiropractic exam, any needed x-rays, a report of findings, a detailed plan of action, and your first chiropractic adjustment.
(a $400 value)
Call today and schedule your appointment...806-373-4263
3005 Church Ave., Amarillo, Tx 79109
Monday - Thursday
By appointment only
Please Call to Schedule
(806) 373-4263